Thursday, May 8, 2014


I am Thoroughly jealous of my good friends who actually make a goal to write down something every day, and, unlike myself, actually do it. Usually I don't like getting up on this minor soapbox in the corner of the Interwebs unless I have something to say, but here It goes.
The last 2 and a half months of my life.

So!! AWP was a thing. I decided that I was going to go into the convention with a good, open mind, and when I got there, I realized that fantasy fiction, or really fiction in general, was next to nowhere to be seen. I felt kind of sad at that point. You know, without fiction, life would be...well it would be like it was in the movie "The Invention of Lying". It would be drab, boring, and everything would be true! If everything was true, then people would find other things to make up! I ended up getting a book there, though. It was about Poker, and since I have a tendency to enjoy Poker a bit to much, I thought it would be an interesting read to say the least. Plus the Author was cute, and British, so Plus.

I saw Dr. Horrible's Sing along Blog for the first time. Felicia day continues to cement her place as one of my favorite actresses in history (Sorry Ginnifer Goodwin.). Plus, Nathan Fillion. Super cute, but I never wanted to punch him in the face more then after I saw that. WHY, CASTLE, WHY!?

After that, I took a drive down to Portland, About 3 hours from where I live, and went to the famous Powell's Book store~ Actually, that was a lot of fun, but I went there with a bucket of books, apparently worth only 50 bucks credit, and left out 10. So that kinda sucked. But I got more books! So Yay!

There was more boring stuff, including school. Though I fully intend to keep writing (See Title above), I think I may switch my major to film. Possibly. Maybe. I still have no clue whatsoever. But I joined my schools Film Club, and we are in the middle of shooting a movie! So there is that awesomeness.

I painted my room over spring break...In retrospect that could probably be an entire story all on its own. Maybe tomorrow. Or later. I'll see how I feel.

OH~ I went to Sakura-con in Seattle! That was Amazing with a generous heaping of Awesome. Especially since I was spending my own money. Well, I'm broke now, but I left with a Russia costume, Nekomimi ears, Which I may buy batteries for and wear to school today, and a shit ton of anime. Seriously, I didn't know I could SPEND that much on anime. But I did, and now I'm still broke. 

That pretty much catches people up. I still have not a single clue where my life is going, but I am going to TRY and get something down once a day now. (Again, see Title). 