Friday, June 20, 2014

Season Finales and Why it must be Amazing to be Neil Patrick Harris.

So I am terrible at following through on things, but I am not going to beat that rather dead horse. This is the Prologue. I am going to be talking about Season Finales later on, spesifcally that for Once Upon a Time. Nothing major, but there will be minor minor spoilers that are more cliffhangers for the next Seasons, and speculation. Still, consider this a...
Got that? Good, On with the soap box!

I will start with Neil Patrick Harris. In case you have been on mars for the last 10 years, he was Barney Stinson on "How I Met Your Mother", Dougie Houser on "Dougie Howser, M.D.", Dr. Horrible on "Dr. Horrible's Sing along Blog", and a bunch of other stuff. Simple put, he is kind of Awesome. Anyway, I was bored one evening, strolling youtube for some entertainment, when I came across...The Tony awards. Pretty much the Oscars for Broadway. Any-Doctor, Dear god the musical numbers. Neil Patrick Harris has host the event 4 times, and each one included a song and dance number. However, it got me thinking, It must be awesome to be Neil Patrick Harris.

Think about it, He is the only person in the world, who could honestly start a song and dance number apropos of Nothing, and people would just go along with it. Really, that is the only reason I thought it would be awesome, but it completely would be!

Anyway, back to why I really want to write, the season finales. So, I will admit it right here and now. I am a huge Disney fangirl. So one of my Favorite shows, understandably, is Once Upon a Time. Now, the third season recently ended, but Here is the thing. At the 2 minute mark, they decided to bring in some new characters. One is there mainly for Dramatic purposes, and the other...well let me explain. From Rumpelstiltskin's vault of unpreditable and uncontrollable magic, came an urn. The urn ended up in Storybrooke, opened itself, and after some moving, squirming and shaping, a woman came from the small prison. A woman with Platinum blonde hair, a icy blue dress, and innate Ice magic...

Yeah, they went there.

Don't get me wrong, I love Frozen, really I do, and Elsa is an awesome character, but I am not so hip on this decision. A friend of mine (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) Said it was because I relate to much to her, but no, that is NOT the reason. Most of the characters that have been used up until this point (i.e. Peter Pan, Snow White, Wicked Witch of the West, Mad Hatter etc. etc.) Have been around so long that revisionism is perfectly Ok. They have gone through their time of just enjoying existing, and now they can explore "Well, What if this, was actually that". This is called the Revisionist period of film, and it works well with TV too. However, I saw Frozen shortly before this last Thanksgiving. It is way to new to revise, because it is still enjoying being awesome on its own. (And it is.) It is clearly a popularity grab on the side of Disney, Who owns the show, because of Frozen's Popularity, and the Oscar doesn't hurt.
This is Bad. There are still die hard fans of Frozen, and Disney is going to have to walk a very fine line here. Because they pretty much cannot make Elsa an evil character on her own, because she isnt innately evil, they have few places this can go. Assuming that they are making a Sequel to Frozen, rather then a spin off, then the only thing that they could do would be have someone control her, by way of her sister, since that is the only thing that she seems to care about. And if they do try and make her evil, then they are going to have a huge backlash from fans of the movie. They want to bring in more viewers, but they best be careful, because they can either bore them with another Frozen, or with something that fans will hate, and cause them to just go and stop watching the show.

Anyway, that was my rant for the time being. I will be sure to post when I have something that I really want to talk about...
