Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Feminism vs. Video Games. How Everyone is a Loser


Before I begin I should preface this with something. I have done very little research into this particular subject, but there is very little to be done. Yes, Every side has their own opinion, and That is exactly what I have seen. As to actual irrefutable fact? I'm not sure there is any. It's all how one person sees it as one thing, and others see it as another thing.

I really hate these kinds of posts, mostly because it forces me to take a stance on something I don't really want to. Considering this is also a Semi-Personal blog, and part time soap box, I suppose it is a stupid thing to complain about, but considering I was kinda stuck using this topic for a Paper, I thought I would get this down before I started anything. Now, Whatever you personally think is Fine, but This is just my opinion.

Ok, So something that comes up in media from time to time is how women are portrayed in video games. This can be started by anything from Mai Shiranui being bent over in that just so perfect way to show off her unrealistically proportioned body, to how Princess Peach has yet to go up against Bowser herself and kick his ass in the same way that Mario would. The fact that there are these constants in video games is a bad thing...
Here's how I see it. Yes there are the princesses constantly being saved, Yes there are mostly male characters, and most female characters are pretty much male characters with a chromosome switched Ala Commander Shepard style, and Yes, whatever strong female characters there are in video games are usually seen with less then a yard of clothing on her, but this is by no means a new thing. Going back all the way to ancient Greece, great works of art consisted of usually naked females being rescued by some man, then going off to be his wife or something. This is a common plot device in many a story, from Bram Stroker's Dracula, to Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, to the movie "Your Highness". (Seriously, what was the point of Zooey Deschanel other then a breasted plot device?) Damsel in Distress, not a bad thing. I've seen many a movie with them, and I don't feel like there has to be some guy to save me because I'm female and that's expected, and I don't beleive I am the only girl who thinks this. 
What absolutely boils my blood about this kind of issue, is that there is absolute idiots on both sides, and they are putting the spotlight on each other. There is a game called "Remember Me" on the market, who's protagonist is a woman named Nilin. There was a huge problem finding a company who would publish and release this game though, because of that fact, along with the fact that she was in a Heterosexual relationship with one of the male characters. One company (I won't Say who because that would be bad) actually commented on that second bit, saying that "No fag would want to see that". Now, I am a female, and a gamer, and One of my favorite games to date is "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood". At the beginning of this game, the main character, Ezio, has sex with a woman. I. DIDN'T. CARE. Not that the character was a female, or that my character was male, or about anything. I just saw it and went "Ok, Sex. He's an Italian guy who has a history of this, so OK." I wasn't offended by it or anything, and it really pisses me off when people (Again, Won't say, since I don't want to be sued for anything) go off and say how I feel. No, Say how YOU feel, but if you don't mind, I would like to go back to playing whatever game I would like. 

Now that I have said that side, Time to go to the other. Video games are not innocent of this kind of idiocy either. Two simple words will completely explain it. Soul Calibur. This game is absolutely rediculous in regards to how little clothing is on these ladies. I mean, I understand that you are trying to boost sales with this crap, but COME ON! This is not the worst offence though. Dead or Alive? I am pretty sure more money went into the jiggle physics of this game then the actual content. I have no problem with women having a sexual stance though. I have a problem with them being sexualized, then having nothing to back it up. Lara Croft, A very lovely lady, and if she was made to wear a bikini for some unknown reason, I wouldn't care, because she is an actual character. If you looked at Mai Shiranui, then tried to guess her personality, you would have to look it up. As for the "Ms. Man" trope? Again, I don't care, but if you are going to have a female equivalent to a male character, then have some male love interests. It's only fair at that point.

One last thing I have an issue with? There really isn't any one kind of feminism. There are some who protest that woman should be able to walk around topless. They have no issue with the female form or sexuality. However, there are some who do have an issue with it, and call it objectivism. Now, if I had to pick a side, I would pick the former, but it doesn't mean I want to walk around in public with no shirt. I just like going about my day with what I like, and not being told it is bad or non-progressive or lad-di-da-di-da. Point is, No matter what anyone does, there is going to be some issue with someone. Video games suck for treating women like objects to a degree. Feminist suck for not seeing that degree, and pushing it way farther then it actually is, and for not coming together as one group and making their mind up as to what it is exactly that they want.

Now, I encourage you to write comments, though please do not make mean ones. Just give me your opinion nicely, because I am interested to know what others think.

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