Monday, February 17, 2014

The Beginning...

Once Upon A Time...There was a child. This child had the world at her fingertips, but was caught in an unusual age to say the least. To young to buy in to the 90's as much as others before her had, but born to early to really understand the 2000's as younger children did. There was no real place that this child belonged in, and it didn't help when she went to school. 
This child didn't fit in socially either. She was by no means similar to the cheerleader types that stalked the halls, faces caked in way more makeup than necessary, nor any of the sporty types whom clung close together respectfully in a team, as was there nature, nor the really mean people, who got their laughs from going out, drinking, smoking pot (It was still illegal then), and tormenting others because...Well because they were simply jerks. Though she got along with some people, she still felt no particular place that she belonged.
Though, where she actually was complicated matters as well. Somewhere between the city and the ocean, this girl had little to do, and few places to go that didn't clean out her wallet in little more then 30 minutes. There were events, from time to time, where she felt a shred of possibility that maybe, JUST maybe, there was a place in the world that she could possibly be accepted. But, said events were few and far between, and as few people understood this child, she had to find solace in something, so she did...In books. 
The Written word was a safe haven for the child. A place where anything could, and sometimes did, happen. A place where a little girl could find herself at a Tea party with a insane maker of Hats, a Dormouse, and a hare that had more then his share of madness, Where a couple of teenagers, though having the odds stacked against them, could find love, and even happiness, And yes, EVEN WHERE VAMPIRES CAN, AND DID, SPARKLE.
This child was amazed, and even inspired what came from all around the world in the bindings of a couple of hundred pages. Entire worlds came alive, and thrived, and as the years went by, as they tend to do when some aren't paying attention, It came to the child's, now a young adult, attention that something needed to be done about the future. She could not stay the young girl, crawling through the pages of books, forever. She had to make a decision as to what she was going to do...
...and her choice was to write a blog about whatever she wanted. 
Ok, Ok, In retrospect you probably saw that twist coming a mile away. I mean geez, You want to know how many times it has been used? In short, A LOT! But it was fun to do some writing. Anyway, I should tell you stuffs that that over dramatized little story didn't.
Real Name, To Be Disclosed. I will see about doing that later on, if and when this thing becomes bigger. Call me Anne for now (So many great writers have been named Anne)
Age, College age.
Likes, Stories. Oh my goodness a good story is amazing. The like of stories translates to many different mediums though, Including, but not limited to, Movies, Books, Comics, Anime (Yes, I like Anime), And Video games (Hence the name, Catchy huh?). Food is also on my list, but who doesn't like a good meal?
Dislikes, Well....This is the tricky part. I Don't like mean people. That is my number one thing. People, Be Excellent to Each Other. (Yes I quoted Bill and Ted.) I don't like it when people are whipped into a frenzy over nothing, or Religion, or Politics...Priorities people.
Some of my favorite things? (Raindrops on roses....) In all seriousness, I suppose I should narrow it down to a few things...Disney, for certain, but primarily their movies. Dan Brown's books, Hmm...I really liked Repo! The Genetic Opera. And I think I will leave it at that.
Religious/Political Views? Come closer...*Hides the Frying pan*
No, Not getting into that stuff here. This is for personal catharsis, and maybe some entertainment value. 
Personal Plans for the future? Win the Lottery.
Realistic Personal Plans for the future? It is a personal goal to become a writer. The issue with that is I don't know what to write, So I thought I would start somewhere. (Keep these transcripts, Maybe they will be worth something in a few years.) Other then that, Find that one place, That Oz, That Wonderland, That Haven, where Others like me will thrive. Where I won't feel so alone, walking by myself down a street, Where I wont be the only one who sees thing in a light that everything is still magical. Where I wont be the only person who eats the green and yellow skittles together!
Anything else? Well, I'm here to have fun. I hope you are as well. I will try my best at keeping these things current, and with a little bit of luck, this will be the start of a wonderful and crazy ride.

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