Saturday, February 22, 2014

Why I think there hasn't been a Really good Superman...

OK, before I start, I should probably mention this. Though it has peaked my interest as of late, and it is something I really want to get into, I am not extremely well informed when it comes to comic books. Yeah, they are a great medium of entertainment, hence why they have lasted so long, but I have yet to read any due to the fact that there are a lot of continuity issues, and I would likely not get a lot of the things they are mentioning...Got that? Good!

I love Batman.
I mean, if there is something that wants to get a lot of views, and can only include one thing, and that one thing was batman? I would probably go see it, and I know I am not the only one. I was first introduced to it, as many people my age were, through the fairly recent Christopher Nolan movies, and Loved them so much, I had to see every Batman movie that has been made, and I did...And they were Awesome. Of course, The earlier ones were not as good as the more recent ones, but with advances in technology since the First Batman movie which was released in 1989, experience, and learning from the overwhelmingly terribly received Batman and Robin movie? They certainly got better...With the exception of the Joker by Heath Ledger, but that is a story for another time.
But The name of this post isn't "Listen to me get up on a Soapbox and tell you why I love batman". It's Called "Why I think there hasn't been a really good Superman". So, Superman first appeared in 1938 in Action Comics #1, being the child of a planet called Krypton and sent off the world just as the planet faced the end of their world. He was later found by a couple of farmers in a town called Smallville and given the name "Clark Kent". After displaying Super human abilities, he decided that he would...Put on some blue and red tights and save the world time and time again.
OK, Since this was the late 30's, a lot of things were going on then. Just to name a few, Hitler was coming into power, and Disney had released It's first animated movie, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. The actual events that transpired were that a couple of guys, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster went to a magazine, looking to put Superman, then a bald madman with a tendency for evil, and time and time again, got shot down. One day, Siegel asked "What if Superman used his powers for good instead of evil", and thus, the Superman we all know and love was born. The two worked on the project until they talked to National Allied Publication, and were asked to put in a feature. They put in their now good Superman for this new comic Analogy, called Action Comics, and when sales went through the roof, they soon found out it was because of Superman.
Now, These humble upbringings for a character who would soon become one of the most known and beloved icons ever were just as humble as the characters background, but again, Not me giving a history lesson, me telling you about a really good Superman and the lack of one.
Simply put, I do not think there can be one.
Before you go and get your pitch forks, here me out. I am not saying that there hasn't been a OK Superman. Plenty of people I know watched Smallville and Loved it, but here is the problem. Superman is an idealized being, a god among men, a role model for everything people want to be, down to the super powers. Now, If I were to make a Superman movie, how would I go about it? If I followed everything that the comics did, then it would be a Cliche fan film. If I went with dark and edgy, then it would likely lose what made Superman...Well, Superman, and make him more like Batman. If I went with the whole losing humanity bit like at the end of the "Man of Steel" movie, then It would also be a colossal waste. Superman is a paradigm of what others wish to be down to the dna. Strong, Fit, well known all over the world, and more then anything Special. Superman is to idealized to have a perfect recreation, and the moment someone proves me wrong, I will gladly admit it, after spending 10 bucks to see the movie. However, Until then, I fully encourage people to go after that Pinnacle of perfection that is Superman, and no matter what, in this age where summer blockbusters included Monsters fighting Giant Robots, and Superheros fighting Aliens, They are going to make back their money and then some. But what I fear is that no one is going to reach the Ideal that is Superman.
And before I go, I thought I would mention one last thing that struck me, and probably large amounts of other people as odd. This loved and well known being, the one that is probably one of the oldest most popular characters in fiction to date...Is an alien. Not only is he an alien, he is an alien whom constantly saved humans lives. So, other then the fact that it is a convenient plot device...why are people so hard on aliens in films and TV shows....
Well, that's my time for the day.

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